The Original & True Rheims New Testament of 1582 is Now Available!
Printed Edition
of The Original & True Rheims New Testament of 1582 is Now Available!
The Original
& True Douay Old Testament, Vol. 1, of 1609 is Now Available!
The Original & True
Douay Old Testament, Vol. 2, of 1610 is Now Available!
Download Genesis 1 Here!
The Original & True Douay Rheims Bible is
now available in a printed edition!
Order your printed edition
of The Original and True Douay Rheims Bible of Anno Domini 1610 here!
Some Bible History
Let's start at the beginning.
St. Jerome at work on the Vulgate |
In AD 382 Pope
St. Damasus commissioned St. Jerome (Hieronymous), the leading
biblical scholar of his day, to produce a translation of the Bible
to replace the Old Latin Bible,
which had become corrupted through copyists' errors.
A man who is well grounded in the
testimonies of the Scripture is the bulwark of the Church.

St. Jerome | St. Jerome applying himself to the
task by papal warrant had access to the best extant manuscripts -- which
were much closer to the original manuscripts in Hebrew, Greek and
Aramaic than anything still existing today. In many cases the New
Testament scriptural texts were within a few generations of the original
manuscripts penned by the Apostles.
The Latin Vulgate Finally completing his work in AD
405, St. Jerome gave the Catholic Church the Latin Vulgate. The Vulgate
was solemnly proclaimed the Church's official Bible by the Council of
Trent; which also declared that St. Jerome's Vulgate was the only
authentic Latin text of the Scriptures.
The word Vulgate itself means the
"vulgar" --- that is the common Latin language in usage throughout the
lands of the Roman Empire by the common people.
The Vulgate was everywhere
accepted, the majority of whom became the Greek Orthodox. The Greek
bishops, because their texts had become so corrupted as to not be
reliable, translated the Vulgate back into the "original Greek" for
their use; which was the "Greek Text" in use at the time of the
The Vulgate was in use everywhere for 1,100 years as the
standard Bible of all Christians; until various other Bibles
began to appear during the Protestant Reformation.
 Cover of the Latin Vulgate Bible |
These either
claimed to be translations of the Vulgate, or to be "diligently
compared with the original Hebrew and original Greek manuscripts".
In point of
fact, well before the Protestant Reformation, there were no
"original Hebrew and original Greek manuscripts" in existence,
except in their claims --- neither have any original manuscripts
been discovered to this day.
The Catholic View From 1534 when Luther completed his
corrupted Bible, which was followed by that of Wycliffe, Coverdale,
etc., these partisan translations multiplied.
English Church Scholars under the
direction of William (later Cardinal) Allen, in answer to these
inaccurate translations of the Bible so as to protect the Faith of the
people, undertook to prepare an accurate English version of the Vulgate.
And so the English College at Rheims undertook to translate the Vulgate
in the common man's English
And so the English College at
Rheims undertook the translation of the Vulgate into the common man's
English so that everyone could understand God's Holy Word arightly.
The Rheims New Testament The result was the Rheims New
Testament (1582) and, after the move to Douai, the Douay Old Testament
(1609). This Douay-Rheims Bible became the gold standard --- the
authentic translation --- of the Bible for English speaking Catholics
and all who valued scriptural integrity.
 The title page of the REAL Rheims New Testament |
"Now since Luther's revolt also," says the
preface to the real Rheims New Testament of 1582, "diverse
learned Catholics, for the more speedy abolishing of a number of
false and impious translations put forth by sundry sects, and
for the better preservation or reclaim of many good souls
endangered thereby, have published the Bible in the several
languages of almost all the principal provinces of the Latin
Church, no other books in the world being so pernicious as
heretical translations of the Scriptures, poisoning the people
under color of divine authority, and not many other remedies
| being more sovereign against the same (if it be used in
order, discretion, and humility) than the true, faithful, and sincere
interpretation opposed thereunto ... We, therefore, having compassion to
see our beloved countrymen, with extreme danger of their souls, to use
only such profane translations and erroneous men's mere fantasies, for
the pure and blessed word of truth, much also moved thereunto by the
desires of many devout persons, have set forth for you, benign readers,
the New Testament to begin withal, trusting that it may give occasion to
you, after diligent perusal thereof, to lay away at least such their
impure versions as hitherto you have been forced to occupy."
The preface to the
entire Douay-Rheims Bible speaks to the same effect:
"Now since Luther and his
followers have pretended that the Catholic Roman faith and doctrine
should be contrary to God's written word, and that the Scriptures were
not suffered in vulgar languages, lest the people should see the truth,
and withal these new masters corruptly turning the Scriptures into
diverse tongues, as might best serve their own opinions, against this
false suggestion and practice, Catholic pastors have, for one especial
remedy, set forth true and sincere translations in most languages of the
Latin Church."
Not a Typical Translation or "Version" It must be noted that the
Douay-Rheims is NOT a typical translation where the translator rearranges
the words and meanings, but a "slavish", i.e., an exact translation
without liberties from the Latin into English. The reader thereby has an
exact understanding of what the original Latin says, rather than
interpretations and interpolations.
History of the Douay Rheims Bible The year 1558 A.D. marks the
beginning of increasing hardships and persecution in England for followers
of the Vulgate. Some were forced to flee to the European mainland for
safety. Some went to Douai, France, where a college had been founded for
the training of missionaries to return to England; of which many were
martyred. It was there, ten years later, that Gregory Martin began to
translate the Latin Vulgate into English.
As noted, the Rheims New Testament
was published in 1582 A.D. in a single volume. For want of finances, the
Old Testament was not published until the first volume appeared in 1609 A.
D., and the second volume completing the Old Testament in 1610 A.D.
The King James Version One year later, in 1611 A.D., the
Protestant King James Version, also known as the Authorized Version, was
issued; but the Catholic Douay-Rheims was not allowed legal entry until
the 18th century. The King James Version was virtually a translation from
Luther's German to English, and NOT "diligently compared with original
Hebrew and Greek" as it claimed --- there being no complete original
Hebrew or Greek manuscripts in existence either then or now.
The Douay-Rheims Bible was
specifically created for distribution in England. However the stringent
Protestant Penal Laws in England forbade the entrance and ownership of
this, God's Word.
fact, ownership of the Douay-Rheims by an Englishman was considered
inimical to the English government and highly treasonable, for which one
could be put to death. -- An interesting contretemps from those who
claimed to be setting God's Word free.
In "Where We Got the Bible, the Rt.
Rev. Henry Graham states:
Needless to say,
the appearance of this New Testament, with its annotations, at once
aroused the fiercest opposition. Queen Elizabeth ordered the searches to
seek out and confiscate every copy they could find. If a priest was
found in possession of it, he was forthwith imprisoned. Torture by rack was applied to those who circulated
it.... All these measures, be it noted, kind reader, were taken
by parties who advocated loudly the unlimited right of private judgment.
The King James
Version was thus permitted to stand without competition and comparison
with the Latin Vulgate or the English Douay-Rheims.
Since the King James Version of 1611
A.D., it was as though Luther's "Bible" was the Bible of 1,100 years, and
not the Latin Vulgate.
Discerning the Word of God If one's salvation depends upon the
proper acceptance and application of Christ's teachings in one's life;
then it is evident that the right understanding of the Word of God must be
But what if the Bible were to be cut and pasted, edited,
re-interpreted, and otherwise changed --- all the while keeping the same
name, but not the same substance. What effect would this have upon a godly
man attempting to live the life of Christ?
This is, of course, the reason we are
given as to why there are so many versions of the Bible about --- to allow
one to get closer to the real and true meaning of God's Word.
Thus we have Luther's
Bible, the King James Version (the Authorized Version), the Wycliffe, the
Great Bible, and the Coverdale Bible from the Protestant Reformation.
More recently we have
the Scofield Bible, the Revised Standard Version, the Amplified Bible, the
Living Bible, the Lamsa Bible, the New Century Version, the New
International Bible, the New American Standard Version, the Thompson Chain
Reference, the Nave Study Bible, and on and on.
Each of these bible versions claims
to take the Believer closer to the true meaning and essence of the Word of
However, suppose that you have not considered, or have been
denied, the best text of Scripture, and even the best helps that you need
to understand God's Word arightly.
What if the text
of Holy Scripture had been changed to purge Jesus from Scripture,
not just in the current anti-Christian era, but from the 1500's continuing
until today under various forms of "textual criticism", updating, and
other terms hiding what has been done?
As one Minister states "It is, therefore, imperative that every child of God takes
great care that the Bible version which he uses, defends, and promotes in
the world is a faithful translation of the Word of God."
Removing Christ from the Bible For example, let us consider the
determination to dissolve Christ from the Old Testament. This is plain in the King James Version (Authorized
Version), where the various names of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ,
are removed more than 100 times. 21 times the name Christ is deleted,
where it appears in the Vulgate and Douay.
The names of Jesus removed from
Luther's Bible and the King James:
of Jesus, 1 time,
Hab. 3:18 (also in Jude 5); |
of The Just One,
25 times; |
of Saviour, 15
times; |
of Dominator, 13
times; |
of The Holy One, 5
times; |
of The Strong One,
6 times; |
of The Son of Man,
5 times; |
of My Deliverer, 2
times; |
of our Lord, 7
times; |
of the Lamb, 1
time; |
of our Redeemer, 1
time; |
of The Meek One, 1
time; |
of The Noble One,
1 time; |
and, of The
Orient, 1
time. |
But God says. . . God says: "...neither add anything, nor diminish." De.
12:32. "You shall not add to the word that I speak to you; neither shall
you take away from it." De. 4:2. "Add not anything to his words..." Pr.
30:6. "If any man shall add to these things, God shall add upon him the
plagues written in this book." Apoc. [Rev.] 22:18.
If the name of "God my JESUS" were in
the Old Testament, would you expect Luther to retain it? If so, you would
be disappointed!
Luther's Habakuk, chapter 3, he expunged the name CHRIST and the name
JESUS from the same page! JESUS is gone from his Hab. 3:18 which says:
"Ego autem in
Domino gaudebo. Et exsultabo in Deo Iesu meo."
That is:
"But I will
joy in our Lord, and will rejoice in God my JESUS."
But Luther
made it:
"Aber ich
will mich freuen des Herrn, und froehlich sein in Gott meinem Heil." "In
God, my salvation." Furthermore, this was not the only
occasion that he did it.
The name CHRIST is found 21 times in
the Old Testament. Luther rendered it Judaistically "Messiah" once,
"Christ" twice, and he rendered it out 18 times. He then blotted out the
name CHRIST 24 times in the New Testament.
Then, forty-five (45) times, Martin
Luther took the name JESUS out of the New Testament!
It is extremely important, of course,
to comply with the words of Jesus that we change not a
single word of His; however, the name JESUS can be much more
important in one verse than in another!
JESUS is taken
out by Luther in his "Bible," in: Mt. 5:1; 8:26; 9:23; 16:15;
17:19; 20:17; 22:20; 26:18; Mk. 9:15; 16:1; 16:19; Lk. 4:38; 6:11; 14:1;
18:31; 20:3; 22:2; 24:36; Jn. 2:8; 4:1; Acts 5:41; 9:17; 9:20; 10:48;
16:7; 18:4; 18:25; 24:24; Rom. 8:34; 15:16; 16:9; I Cor. 4:17; II Cor.
2:14; Eph. 3:6; Phil. 3:9; Col. 1:7; 2:2; 4:12; II Thes. 2:8; Phile. 8;
Heb. 4:14-16; 9:24; Jude 5,24,25; Hab. 3:18.
CHRIST is taken
out by Luther in his "Bible," in: I K. 2:10; 2:35; 12:3; 12:5;
16:6; II K. 22:51; II Par. 6:42; Ps. 2:2; 17:51; 19:7; 83:10; 88:39;
88:52; 131:10; 131:17; Is. 45:1; Lam. 4:20; Hab. 3:13; Acts 4:33; 10:48;
28:31; Rom. 3:26;4: 24; 8:35; 10:17; I Cor. 2:1; 4:16; 5:5; II Cor. 5:15;
11:4; Gal. 4:31; Eph. 5:21; 5:29; Col. 3:15; 3:17; I Thes. 4:17; Heb.
10:19; 13:20; I Pet. 3:15; Jude 24, 25; Apocalypse 11:15-19.
JESUS is added by
Luther in his "Bible," in: Mt. 8:5; 13:36; 13:51; 14:14; 14:25;
15:16; 15:30; 16:6; 17:11; 24:2; Mk. 5:19; 7:27; 10:50; 11:14; 11:15; Lk.
7:22; 8:35; 10:21; 10:39; 10:41; 13:2; Jn. 4:46; 13:3; 19:23; 20:21;
21:17; Acts 3:26; 9:28; Eph. 3:9; I Jn. 5:20.
CHRIST is added
by Luther in his "Bible," in: Mt. 23:8; Mk. 13:6; Lk. 4:41; Jn.
4:42; Acts 16:31; Gal. 3:17; 4:7; Eph. 3:9; Jn. 5:20.
Again, it should be emphasized that
The King James Version is a virtual translation from Luther's German to
English, and was not "diligently compared with original Hebrew and Greek"
as was claimed. Why, simply because these "original" Hebrew and Greek
manuscripts simply did not exist at that time.
The Challoner "Revision" Similar forces attempting to
bowdlerize and to water down Sacred Scripture were also at work within the
Catholic Church after the penal laws were lifted in England. The authentic
real "Douay-Rheims Bible" was never accepted in England, as all Catholic
Bibles had been confiscated and burned.
In the 18th century, Bibles appeared
in England -- the work of a Bishop Challoner -- which were erroneously
called The Douay-Rheims. These counterfeit versions were allowed
circulation in England and its colonies. The real Douay-Rheims --- the
original and true version --- vanished --- to be found only in museums and
literary collections.
The Catholic Encyclopedia of 1909
A.D. states:
"Although the
Bibles in use at the present day by the Catholics of England and Ireland
are popularly styled the Douay Version, they are most improperly so
called; they are founded, with more or less alteration, on a series of
revisions undertaken by Bishop Challoner in 1749-52 . . .
The changes introduced by him were
so considerable that, according to Cardinal Newman, they almost amounted
to a new translation. So, also, Cardinal Wiseman wrote, 'To call it any
longer the Douay or Rheimish Version is an abuse of terms. It has been
altered and modified until scarcely any verse remains as it was
originally published.' In nearly every case Challoner's changes took the
form of approximating to the Authorized Version [King James]. . ."
This is what is
commonly sold as the Douay-Rheims Bible. If one buys a "Douay-Rheims
Bible" today it is typically a copy of the 1899 Challoner version, which
is but a pale reflection of the REAL Douay-Rheims. The text does not
follow the original Douay-Rheims, and it is usually found with hardly any
of the voluminous notes and annotations of the original REAL Douay-Rheims.
Father George Leo
Haydock attempted a partial restoration of the voluminous notes from the
REAL Douay-Rheims with his 1852 "Haydock Bible". While it is an
improvement over the standard Challoner version, it is still the
Challoner translation and also lacks the massive notes and annotations
as well.
One may ask
why the REAL Douay-Rheims has not been available to the public from the
1600's until the present day.
Obviously there are many reasons,
such as the Penal Laws, the Challoner version which falsely claimed the
name "Douay Rheims", etc.
An image of the old English script text in the REAL
Rheims New Testament |
However, the major reason
(other than the obvious efforts of the enemies of Christ to suppress
it) is because it has never been retyped from the Old English script
into modern English text to make it accessible to modern
Thus, it is extremely
hard and tedious to read and
understand. |
What's the Difference? You may be wondering, "How much
difference can there really be between the REAL Rheims New Testament and
the King James?"
Christians have been deceived into
believing that their English Bibles were based on the true ancient texts
which Christians have always used.
Instead, what they have is really
based on texts by people who did not mind changing holy Scripture so as to
prove their theological contentions and remove Christ from His Scriptures.
Only the
REAL Douay-Rheims Bible is faithful to the ancient Latin
This means you have access to the oldest
authentic Bible texts available any
where! | Here are a few of the many examples
that clearly illustrate this fact:
Verse |
Latin Vulgate 385
A.D. |
REAL Douay Rheims 1610
A.D. |
King James Version 1611
A.D. |
I Kings 12:3
I Sam. 12:3
| Loquímini de me coram Dómino, et coram
christo ejus, ... |
Speak of me before our Lord, and before
his Christ, ...
witness against me before the LORD, and
before his anointed: ...
I Kings 12: 5
I Sam. 12:5
| Dixítque ad eos : Testis est Dóminus
advérsum vos, et testis christus ejus in die
hac, ... |
And he said to them: Witness is our Lord
against you, and witness is his Christ in
this day, ...
And he said unto them, The LORD is
witness against you, and his anointed is
witness this day, ...
Psalm 131:10
Psalm 132:10
| Propter David servum tuum non avértas
fáciem christi tui. |
For David thy servants sake turn not
away the face of thy Christ.
For thy servant David's sake turn not
away the face of thine anointed.
Psalm 131:17
Psalm 132:17
| Illuc prodúcam cornu David; parávi
lucérnam christo meo. |
Thither will I bring fourth a horn to
David, I have prepared a lamp to my Christ.
There will I make the horn of David to
bud: I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed.
Isaias 64:10
Isaiah 64:10
Cívitas Sancti tui
facta est desérta, Sion desérta facta est, Jerúsalem desoláta
The city of thy holy
one is made desert, Sion is made desert, Jerusalem is become
| Thy holy
cities are a wilderness, Zion is a wilderness, Jerusalem a
desolation. |
For a comparison of nine different
Bible versions click here!
The REAL Douay Rheims Bible In an effort spanning over eleven
years, and as a corporal and spiritual work of mercy, Dr. William von
Peters has prepared the Douay Rheims for modern readers. First hand
retyping the REAL Rheims New Testament in its entirety, with all the notes
and annotations, into modern English text for easy reading. Then
continuing on with the REAL Douay Old Testament, also with notes and
It is to
be emphasized that nothing in the text has been changed or modified. It
has only been transliterated into modern English text, with archaic
spellings updated to modern spellings. Where possible the archaic spelling
has been left intact to preserve the "flavor" of this historic text.
The Rt. Rev. Henry
Graham (Where We Got the Bible) states regarding the bringing of the true
unadulterated Scripture of the Rheims New Testament from the Apostles to
St. Jerome, and now to you, states:
"...At a single
leap we thus arrive at that great work, completed by the greatest
scholar of his day, who had access to manuscripts
and authorities that have now perished , and who, living so near the days of the Apostles, and, as it were,
close to the very fountain-head , was able to produce a copy of
the inspired writings which, for correctness, can never be equaled."
The Douay Old Testament
The New Testament is a
fulfillment of the Old. Jesus said he came to fulfill the Law and
the Prophets.
| The first volume
of the Douay Old Testament was printed in 1609 and comprises the Books of
Genesis through Job. The second volume containing the rest of the Old
Testament was printed the following year in 1610. Both pre-date the King
James version of the Bible.
Douay comes to us from the Septuagint Old Testament which was
the official Bible of the Pre-Christian Era Jews, as well as
of the New Testament Christians.
Septuagint was early on translated into the Old Latin Version for the
Roman World for whom Latin was the official language; as Greek had been
prior to the coming of the Roman Empire when the Septuagint had been
translated from the original Hebrew (now lost).
St. Jerome revised the Old Latin
with the use of the most ancient manuscripts available into what became
known as the Latin Vulgate.
unique notes and annotations of the Douay tie together the Old and New
Testaments so that you can now understand God's wonderful plan of
Now you can understand
how the New Testament Church -- the Catholic Church -- is the culmination
and continuation of Old Testament Israel -- and why the Church Fathers
stated that the Church is Israel!
Some Protestant Scholars' Thoughts On the Douay Rheims
Bible The Douay
Rheims Bible was translated meticulously to preserve the absolute meaning
of the text, not interpreted.
Numerous Protestant authors have
remarked upon this fidelity. Here are a few notes in this regard.
commends the Rheims translators for their accuracy in treating the
definite article:
When the Latin
was capable of guiding them, they seem to have followed out their
principles honestly: but whenever it was inadequate or ambiguous they
had the niceties of the Greek at their command. Their treatment of the
article offers a good illustration of the care and skill with which they
performed this part of their task. The Greek article cannot, as a
general rule, be expressed in Latin. Here then the translators were free
to follow the Greek text, and the result is that this critical point of
scholarship is dealt with more satisfactorily by them than by any
earlier point of translators. And it must be said also that in this
respect the revisers of King James were less accurate than the
Rheimists, though they had their work before them." Quoted in Carleton, The Part of
Rheims in the Making of the English Bible, p. 19 and Moulton, The
History of the English Bible, p. 19. Westcott again notes:
"Scrupulous or
even servile adherence to the text of the Vulgate was not always without
advantage. They frequently reproduced with force the original order of
the Greek which is preserved in the Latin; and even while many
unpleasant roughnesses occur, there can be little doubt that their
version gained on the whole by the faithfulness with which they
endeavoured to keep the original form of the sacred writings. . . . The
same spirit of fidelity to the letter of their texts often led them to
keep the phrase of the original where other translators had
unnecessarily abandoned it." Ibid., pp. 245, 249, 255: Matt.
18:29, 24:7, Luke 16:9,: Rom. 1:21, 11:2.
"In addition to the Vulgate," says
Isaacs, "the Greek text was closely consulted and produced improved
renderings of the article, not without effect on the Authorized and
Revised Versions" (in The Bible in Its Ancient
English Versions, p. 193.
Scrivener also acknowledges that the
Rheims New Testament
"is highly
commendable for its scrupulous accuracy and fidelity. In justice it must
be observed that no case of willful perversion of Scripture has ever
been brought home to the Rheimish translators." A Supplement to the Authorized
English Version of the New Testament. J.R. Dore notes:
"In some places
the Douai Bible more accurately hands down the very words of the
inspired writers than any English translation then existing. This is
owing to the Latin having been taken from earlier MSS, than were
accessible to later translators." Dore, Literary Lineage Of The
KJV, pp. 316-17 G. C. Macaulay calls the Rheims:
"...a most
accurate and scholarly version . . . by thoroughly competent Greek
scholars, who carefully compared the Latin with the Greek . . . In the
representation of a simple Greek word occurring in various places by the
same English word, in careful discrimination of the senses of the
definite aricle, and in regard of the original form, express, and order
of words, this version is far superior to any previously existing. As to
the English style of it, a very false impression is created by the usual
descriptions. It does not doubt maintain a certain number of unfamiliar
words which it was thought could not be rendered into common English
without losing their theological or ecclesiastical associations; but in
the Gospels and the simpler portions of the Epistles we may read for a
long time without finding anything unusual in the diction; and such
words as "evangelise" and "Paraclete" need not seriously offend us. By
far the most shocking instance is "supersubstantial bread" in the Lord's
Prayer; but the translators were dealing with a difficulty which had
been rather evaded than solved by their predecessors. . . . It is
needless here to do more than to mention the considerable owed by our
Authorized Version to the Rhemist translation." The English Bible, in the
Quarterly Review, October 1911. So even great Protestant Scholars are
not afraid to praise the Douay Rheims.
In closing this section, I will
quote from Hugo Grotius the great Dutch humanist, statesman, jurist, and
"no version is
freer from prejudice than the Vulgate owing to its antiquity and the
fact that it antedates the Western schisms."
Now Available All students of the Bible seeking to
diligently ascertain the Word of God and its meaning, whether Catholic or
Protestant, should have a copy of this monumental work which brings the
Bible directly from the time of St. Jerome's Vulgate of A.D. 385 to you
today in the 21st Century.
As a Study Bible it is without
comparison, quoting the Apostles, Fathers of the Church, Saints and Sacred
Councils. This information is simply not available in any one source
elsewhere. Now you can have it for your studies and prayers --- and to
build your Faith.
The Rheims New Testament is now
available either as a download, or on CD in Adobe pdf format for
everyone to read, study, and learn from. As a pdf file it can be
easily searched to find verses, subjects and notes.
The Douay Old Testament is
being prepared as you read. It will be published in two volumes, as
was the original. | This project of many years effort has
borne fruit in bringing forth the authentic Word of God from St. Jerome's
Latin Vulgate to the Rheims New Testament --- some 2,000 years --- for
your edification, study and knowledge.
to be ignorant of the Scripture is not to
know Christ. 
St. Jerome | We must believe all that God has
revealed which He made known for our very salvation by the
Patriarchs and Prophets, and at last by His Son Jesus Christ and the
In the early
centuries of Christianity, the Holy Bible was the only book which was read
in homes. It was read daily to the entire family - even the youngest
children, so before they had to attend pagan schools they were well
prepared, because they knew Holy Scripture by heart and thus were able to
easily defend and profess their Christian Faith, and to even die for it.
True Holy Scripture as
God's Word, along with Apostolic Tradition, has always led Christians as
the pillar of doctrine and Faith.
Today, however, it is perhaps even
more vital and necessary to each of us as we move ever closer to the
culmination of history in these End Times.
As the Testament of the New Covenant
of Jesus Christ, the Rheims New Testament belongs in your library.
This monumental Rheims New Testament ---
reappearing in these End Times some 423 years after its publication in
1582 --- is modestly priced for everyone's budget.
You may purchase
the Douay Old Testament of 1609 volume I (Genesis - Job), Douay Old
Testament of 1610 (Psalms - IV Esdras), and the Rheims New Testament
in one of three ways: Download, CD alone, or both CD and Download.
Printed Edition Many of you
have asked repeatedly when the original & true Douay Rheims Bible
would be available in a printed edition.
You see, many people simply do not
like to read off of the computer screen. Either the screen bothers their
eyes, or they can't read for long periods due to the back lighting; even
though the electronic edition allows for convenient search capability and
the ability to adjust the font sizes for better viewing.
Also, many feel that there is
nothing like holding the actual text in one's hands and savoring the
printed word; particularly when it is God's Holy Word.
The ability to "print on demand"
means that the book, in this case The Original & True Rheims New
Testament of Anno Domini 1582, or the original & true Douay Old
Testament of 1610, can be printed professionally by an actual printer on
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